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Martyn Ware/BEF presents… Music For Total 3D Sonic Immersion

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I’m excited to announce a debut event at The Octagon in Sheffield, Martyn Ware/BEF presents… Music For Total 3D Sonic Immersion.

I am curating a night of full 3D sound immersion, including some very special guests.

The event is inspired by the constantly-evolving relationship between humans and technology, a topic that I feel is very poignant to modern day.

The performances will feature a unique three-dimensional sound array configured especially for this concert – this allows for different elements of the compositions to be distributed around the auditorium in a multitude of three-dimensional sound streams.

Featuring guest stars Steve Davis, Kavus Torabi and Michael J York  (The Utopia Strong), and Richard Norris (The Grid) with many more surprise guests to be announced.

You can book your ticket here.


Contact Martyn

If you’re interested in working with Martyn’s production for a project, get in touch here.

Contact Martyn

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